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Security stepped up at abortion clinics in US after killing of Dr George Tiller

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Controversy sharpens as man arrested in connection with shooting revealed to have links to rightwing militias

The US ordered increased security for abortion doctors and clinics todayas details emerged of close links between the man held for the murder of one of the country's most prominent abortion ?doctors and rightwing militias with strong anti-government views.

The killing of Dr George Tiller at his ?Kansas church on Sunday, and the arrest of 51 year-old Scott Roeder as he fled the scene, has added fresh impetus to the abortion debate shortly before congressional hearings begin for Sonia Sotomayor, Barack Obama's nominee to the supreme court, at which she is certain to be pressed for her views on the issue.

In Washington the attorney general, Eric Holder, ordered the US marshals service to step up protection of abortion doctors and their clinics, many of which have routine protection after years of being ?targeted by extremists and mainstream anti-abortion groups. Nine abortion ?doctors, clinic workers and others have been murdered in recent years. Tiller was wearing a bulletproof jacket when he was shot in the head, and frequently travelled with bodyguards after he was wounded in an earlier assassination attempt.

Obama denounced the killing. ?"However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence," he said.

But some prominent anti-abortion activists came close to justifying it. ?Randall Terry, founder of the largest anti-abortion group, Operation Rescue, issued a statement that fell short of condemning the murder and tried to shift attention to the political fight by warning that Obama would now use it to pressure organisations which describe themselves as "pro-life".

"George Tiller was a mass murderer.We grieve for him that he did not have time to properly prepare his soul to face God," he said."I am more concerned that the Obama administration will use Tiller's killing to intimidate pro-lifers into surrendering our most effective rhetoric and actions. Abortion is still murder. And we still must call abortion by its proper name: murder."

Dave Leach, editor of an anti-abortion newsletter, Prayer and Action News, to which Roeder occasionally contributed told the New York Times he had once met the alleged killer. "To call this a crime is too simplistic," Leach said. "There is Christian scripture that would support this."

Roeder's family said in a statement they were "shocked, horrified and filled with sadness at the death of Dr Tiller". "We know Scott as a kind and loving son, brother and father who suffered from mental illness at various times in his life," the family said. "However, none of us ever saw Scott as a person capable of or willing to take another person's life."

Others painted a picture of a more extreme man. Roeder has been identified as the likely poster of questions about Tiller on Operation Rescue's website. Among other things, a man with his name suggested going to Tiller's church to confront him and other members of the congregation over his work.

"Blaess (sic) everyone for attending and praying in May to bring justice to Tiller and the closing of his death camp," he wrote. "Sometime soon, would it be feasible to organize as many people as possible to attend Tillers church (inside, not just outside) to have much more of a presence and possibly ask questions of the Pastor, Deacons, Elders and members while there?"

In 1996, Roeder was convicted over the discovery of explosives and bomb-making equipment, along with a military rifle, gas mask and ammunition, in his car and sentenced to two years in prison. But his conviction was overturned on appeal on the grounds that the police had illegally searched his car.

The FBI identified Roeder as a member of the anti-government Freemen group, which described itself as made up of Christian patriots, whose leaders were sentenced to prison terms after a three month armed stand-off with law enforcement forces in Montana 13 years ago.

The Kansas City Star newspaper quoted a man identified as commander of the Kansas Unorganized Citizens Militia in the mid-1990s, Morris Wilson, as saying he knew Roeder at the time. "I'd say he's a good ol' boy, except he was just so fanatic about abortion," Wilson said. "He was always talking about how awful abortion was." Operation Rescue denounced the killing as "vigilantism" and cowardly.

It said it instead wanted to see Tiller "brought to justice" for what it regards as the murder of the unborn. ? Guardian News & Media Limited 2009 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds

Security stepped up at abortion clinics in US after killing of Dr George Tiller

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Security stepped up at abortion clinics in US after killing of Dr George Tiller

[Source: News Argus Gazette]

Security stepped up at abortion clinics in US after killing of Dr George Tiller

[Source: State News]

Security stepped up at abortion clinics in US after killing of Dr George Tiller

[Source: Duluth News]

posted by 88956 @ 9:58 PM, ,

Reason Morning Links: Is It Still News When the Government Takes Over a Car Company?

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• GM files for bankruptcy. Washington will give the company an additional $30 billion to play with, and will take a 60 percent stake in return. The U.S. isn't the only government taking ownership: Another 12 percent goes to Canada.

• The Nevada legislature overrides a veto and legalizes domestic partnerships.

• Someone who hasn't parsed the phrase "pro-life" very carefully has killed an abortionist.

• The emergency powers behind the Fed's Wall Street bailouts.

• Irony alert: A report making the case for stronger intellectual property rights was partly plagiarized.

Reason Morning Links: Is It Still News When the Government Takes Over a Car Company?

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Reason Morning Links: Is It Still News When the Government Takes Over a Car Company?

[Source: Wb News]

Reason Morning Links: Is It Still News When the Government Takes Over a Car Company?

[Source: Cnn News]

posted by 88956 @ 9:43 PM, ,

Dancing Champs' Balls Are Busted

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Mark Ballas, Shawn Johnson

Note to future Dancing with the Stars winners: Handle your Mirrorballs with care.

Newly crowned Season 8 champs Shawn Johnson and Mark Ballas learned that the hard way after they ...

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Dancing Champs' Balls Are Busted

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Dancing Champs' Balls Are Busted

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Dancing Champs' Balls Are Busted

[Source: China News]

posted by 88956 @ 9:32 PM, ,

Yoni Goldstein: The cold place where your food lives

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In 1927, General Electric introduced the "Monitor Top," the first commercially successful home-use refrigerator (the unit was so-named because the motor sat on top of the fridge). This marked the beginning of a near-wholesale change in the eating habits of Americans and, eventually, the entire industrialized world. It also represented a major shift in the way we define food products as "fresh." As Susanne Freidberg writes in Fresh: A Perishable History, the introduction of home refrigeration (buoyed by the proliferation of electricity in urban neighbourhoods) reflected a new idea "that freshness depend[ed] less on time or distance than on the technology that protect[ed] it."

Before the Monitor Top, most households employed ice boxes to keep food fresh. But the ice box was never a particularly useful contraption: As the ice inside melted (and was replaced, often multiple times daily, with new ice), the temperature would fluctuate dramatically -- food might initially freeze and then rapidly thaw. This created an awful mess, not to mention a toxic environment in which the natural bacteria and enzymes in various foods mixed and melded to create unnatural smells and unhealthy tastes.

An ice box would be considered a serious health concern these days. But the upshot of owning one in the late-19th century and early-20th century was that you were more likely -- specifically because of the technological limitations -- to eat food that was fresher. You had to eat local -- because there was a serious possibility that anything grown or raised outside your neighbourhood (or on another continent) would be spoiled or even poisonous by the time it reached the market.

Ironically, the refrigerator, an appliance designed to keep our food fresher for a longer period of time, has actually meant that we eat things that are not at all, in the classic sense, fresh.

The advent of cold storage (refrigeration on an industrial scale) in the mid-to late-1800s

also meant that food producers gained a stronger hand in what we eat and when we eat it. Cold storage even gave manufacturers power over how much we pay for our food. When U. S. food prices rose dramatically in 1910-11, many argued that cold storage was the culprit -- now that producers and marketers had the power to keep meat, eggs and produce "fresher" for extended periods, it was argued, they could manipulate the laws of supply and demand to drive up prices. (U. S. lawmakers would eventually step in to regulate the cold storage

industry and how much product manufacturers could stockpile at a given time.)

Then there is the matter of whether refrigeration really does maintain freshness. Answer: It depends. Milk and eggs will stay fresher for longer, but meat and fish might not (especially the latter). As for fruits and vegetables, oftentimes sticking them in cold storage will do more harm than good. According to Freidberg, "refrigeration slows wilting and rot," but "it can damage the flavour, texture and appearance" of vegetables. Same thing goes for many fruits, which are often the most tasty just before they rot.

There are good and bad sides to using a refrigerator. But in a very real sense, the rapid globalization of the food industry from the mid-1800s on has made having a refrigerator at home--not to mention those massive walls of cold storage at the supermarket --a necessity. The food we buy comes from all over the world, partially because we demand greater variety than our great-great-grandparents, but more significantly because the cheapest places to grow produce, milk cows and slaughter chickens are quite often very far away from where those products are eventually consumed. Keeping all that food edible as it crosses land and sea on the way to your dinner table necessarily involves keeping it cold.

There is only one alternative, and it's a throwback to the days before the Monitor Top: Buy local. This might be perfectly plausible for farmers and environmentalists, but for average people, exclusively eating food grown within a 20-kilometre radius of your house is inconvenient and culinarily limiting.

"Nothing is as pure or natural as we'd like," writes Freidberg at the end of Fresh. This is very true -- who wouldn't want a glass of freshly milked milk and a couple of just-hatched eggs in the morning? Alas, those items aren't on the menu.

Refrigeration doesn't mean freshness -- not by a long shot. But at least it allows us to eat the food we want, when we want it. This is, I suppose, the next best thing to slapping a juicy steak cut from a newly slaughtered cow on the grill at supper time.

Yoni Goldstein: The cold place where your food lives

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Yoni Goldstein: The cold place where your food lives

[Source: Murder News]

Yoni Goldstein: The cold place where your food lives

[Source: Advertising News]

posted by 88956 @ 9:17 PM, ,

MTV's Eminem-Bruno Stunt Was Completely Staged, Says Host Andy Samberg's Head Writer

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The "face-off" between Sacha Baron Cohen's bare backside and Eminem's mug came as a surprise to the viewers of Sunday's MTV Movie Awards, but just how shocked was the rapper also known as Marshall Mathers?

To hear host Andy Samberg's head writer, Scott Aukerman, tell it, not at all.

Ending nearly 24 hours of silence from all involved parties, Aukerman took to his blog to set the record straight: "Yes, the Eminem-Bruno incident was staged. They rehearsed it at dress [rehearsal] and yes, it went as far as it did on the live show."

As previously reported, Cohen's "Bruno" alter ego ...

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MTV's Eminem-Bruno Stunt Was Completely Staged, Says Host Andy Samberg's Head Writer

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

MTV's Eminem-Bruno Stunt Was Completely Staged, Says Host Andy Samberg's Head Writer

[Source: Abc 7 News]

MTV's Eminem-Bruno Stunt Was Completely Staged, Says Host Andy Samberg's Head Writer

[Source: Advertising News]

posted by 88956 @ 7:50 PM, ,


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So John Cole has pretty much addressed this, but last week Jonathan Chait criticized me and others for referring to Jeffrey Rosen's piece on Sonia Sotomayor as "gossip".

"Gossip" is an effective label for those who wish to denigrate Rosen's reporting or the reputation of TNR, but it's an inaccurate one. Gossip is unverified information. Gossip is something you hear all the time--say, Senator X mistreats his staff. No serious publication can pass off gossip as reporting. However, if you actually speak with the principals firsthand--you interview staffers for Senator X who report that he mistreats them--then what you have is reporting. That's what Jeff did. He spoke first-hand with several of Sotomayor's former clerks, who provided a mixed picture. Unsurprisingly, they declined to put their names on the record, but that's utterly standard for people who are speaking in unflattering terms about people they worked with or for.

Chait is one of my favorite writers on the interwebs, but this is less than persuasive. A big publication printing gossip doesn't change the definition of gossip. The issue isn't that the information was "unverified" as in, no one told Rosen these things, it's that it was objectively unverifiable, as in, assertions about Sotomayor's intelligence are unprovable. Rosen, as a well-respected legal expert, could have made that argument himself in some form, but he didn't, possibly because he wanted to present it as an "unbiased" observation. But since the source is anonymous, there's no way to judge the individual's motivations or perspective. There's reason to give people anonymity under certain circumstances to relay unpleasant information about a colleague or a superior, but not when that information can't be verified. Anonymous, unverifiable information is gossip.

Most oddly, Chait suggests I, along with others have some sort of agenda against the New Republic. I can only speak for myself, but in my many posts on Sotomayor and Rosen, I didn't say anything about the New Republic except that to identify the publication Rosen had been writing in.?

-- A. Serwer


[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]


[Source: Circulation News]


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[Source: Abc 7 News]

posted by 88956 @ 7:08 PM, ,

State-Controlled Media Shun Mark Levin's Best Selling Book

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Shunned By Media, Levin Book Set To Sell One Million Copies

While the state-controlled media continues to shun him, syndicated radio talk host Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto is on track to sell a stunning one million copies, if it hasn't already done so. More than that number have already been printed by Simon and Schuster, its publisher.

And late today, it was revealed that the book will appear as number one on the New York Times Bestseller List for the ninth time in the past ten weeks. At Amazon, it remained in first place in books for over a month and has since generally found a home in the top ten or close to it (it ranks 12 at the moment).

But while conservative outlets have reviewed and discussed the book widely, the state-controlled mainstream media has almost completely ignored Liberty and Tyranny. Despite topping their sales list, you won't even find a review of the book in the New York Times. Don't bother checking other daily newspapers, either, as they've also found it unworthy of discussion.

To get a sense of what it all means, particularly since this is the most successful conservative book release in many years, your Radio Equalizer checked in with Levin himself. From the interview:

RADIO EQUALIZER: Mark, despite its success, I've not been able to find any real mainstream media coverage of your book. Why do you think that is the case?

MARK LEVIN: The mainstream media want to anoint our representatives and spokesmen. They have no connection with the conservative grassroots. They have disdain for them. They're not confident debating a thinking, principled conservative who promotes a viewpoint and way of life that differs from their own. Most of the mainstream media have become propagandists for the statist agenda.

TRE: Why do you believe the book has done so well despite the lack of press attention? What does it say about the future of the conservative movement?

LEVIN: First, I do want to thank my brothers and sisters in talk radio who asked me to appear on their programs to discuss Liberty and Tyranny. Also, Rush and Sean have been behind the book from the start. And Fox & Friends and Neil Cavuto helped launched the book as well. In particular, my wonderful audience has been receptive to the book, the contents of which we discuss at length during the program.

The book touches a nerve because it explains why we must be informed about our principles and confident in advancing them, especially during dire times such as these. The book resonates not only with conservatives but others because it goes back to first principles, from the great classical philosophers and the founding fathers to more recent thinkers and statesmen.

It takes on the big issues and deconstructs them from a conservative perspective. The book also examines the thinking and motivations of the statist, who doesn't share our reverence for the fundamental greatest of our society. It's a serious book about serious times.

TRE: Do you believe its strong sales will lead to a flood of new books with political themes, especially from conservatives?

LEVIN: It's already apparent that some publishing houses are trying to imitate the success of Liberty and Tyranny. What's that old line -- imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? Let me put it this way: I am becoming increasingly flattered.

The story not being told in the mainstream media is that this book is the most popular and successful non-fiction book in the country, and has been for over two months; and it has succeeded without a single major media story or ad buy. This is a harbinger of a grassroots sentiment.

Levin is correct: a flood of copycats is expected to hit later this year, with shifty-eyed, credibility-challenged MSNBC Morning Host / Resident Squish Joe Scarborough kicking things off next week.

As the state-controlled media truly does enjoy selecting its own "conservative" leaders, one might expect Scarborough's book to generate the publicity that has eluded Levin.

For conservatives, the lesson here is that they don't need the mainstream media to promote their work. Word of mouth, in addition to talk radio and the blogosphere can ignite the sales of a high-quality book to levels that have their state-controlled foes green with envy.

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State-Controlled Media Shun Mark Levin's Best Selling Book

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

State-Controlled Media Shun Mark Levin's Best Selling Book

[Source: Top News]

State-Controlled Media Shun Mark Levin's Best Selling Book

[Source: Duluth News]

posted by 88956 @ 6:32 PM, ,


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